Full name of JPG is JPEG, and it is one of most commonly seen photo formats. JPG photo supports cross-platform use as well as advanced compression. Moreover, it can be transmitted on the internet pretty quickly. Because of these advantages, JPG photos are preferred by lots of users. Nevertheless, in the process of photo storage, JPG photo loss is easy to emerge. Well then, how to recover lost JPG photos quickly and completely?
To perform JPG photo recovery, users should download a piece of photo recovery software at first. Then, recover lost photos by using downloaded photo recovery software.
Main steps to recover JPG photos
1. Run photo recovery software to enter the main interface and choose the functional module "Digital Media Recovery".
2. Select the partition where photo loss appears and click "Full Scan" button to scan selected partition.
3. Find and check JPG photos which need recovering and click "Save Files" button to set save path.
When photo recovery software saves desired photos to another storage device, users are successful to recover lost JPG photos.