Problem: after viewing photos taken in this morning, I found some unsatisfied. So, I planned to delete these photos. But unfortunately, I deleted some favorite photos by mistake. Since I didn't back up those photos, I want to know whether there is free software which can help me recover photos from digital camera.
Solution: to recover photos from digital camera by using free software, you can select freeware according to actual demands. Users who are quite familiar with photo recovery can choose hex editor. Contrarily, users had better choose photo recovery free software. At this time, some users may raise such a question why choose photo recovery free software since it does not support photo recovery on storage device of digital camera. Actually, with the development of photo recovery technology, photo recovery free software which is able to recover photos from digital camera has appeared. As long as users visit the professional downloading website, they can download a piece of professional photo recovery free software to recover lost photos from digital camera.
Recover lost photos from digital camera by using photo recovery free software
To use the photo recovery free software, we should download and install it to computer. After installation, connect digital camera to computer and launch the software to open its main interface:
Here, we can see 5 data recovery modules. To perform photo recovery, we need to select the functional module specially designed for digital media recovery. Then, select the memory card where photo loss emerges and click corresponding button to scan selected memory card. After scan, the following interface will appear:
In this interface, we need to check photos which need recovering, and then click "Save Files" button to appoint a safe place for recovered photos. After this, photo recovery free software helps recover photos from digital camera successfully.