Recover digital pictures free

In this information era, digital information plays important role in life, work and study. Digital picture information has already been one of the main mediums in daily communication and work. Once the important digital pictures get lost, users have to suffer lots of unexpected losses. No people are willing to suffer these losses, so users will choose to timely and effectively recover digital pictures.

As computer digital picture recovery software overflows, it is not difficult to recover digital pictures because users can easily perform digital picture recovery with a piece of suitable digital picture recovery software. However, some problems users encounter in practical digital picture recovery can't be solved even by lots of professional digital picture recovery software, for instance, recover digital pictures on desktop when operating system has already crashed. As everybody knows, most professional digital picture recovery software on current market only helps complete digital picture recovery after it is started in operating system. However, once the operating system crashes, the digital picture recovery software can no longer help perform digital picture recovery. However, if you have MiniTool Power Data Recovery, the professional digital picture recovery software with automatic booting ability, you don't need to worry about that problem. Via drive or USB interface, this professional digital picture recovery software can start without booting operating system and help users complete almost all common digital picture recovery work.

Use the digital picture recovery software MiniTool Power Data Recovery to fast recover important digital picture stored on the desktop
When system fail to normally boot due to operating system crash, to completely recover digital picture stored on desktop, you should not reinstall operating system and use professional digital picture recovery software to recover digital pictures. This is because this operation will cause all data in system partition to get lost, including the important digital pictures on the desktop. If you have the powerful digital picture recovery software MiniTool Power Data Recovery, you can directly boot this digital picture recovery software via drive and USB interface. After that, you will see the main interface of the digital picture recovery software.

From the main interface, you can see this digital picture recovery software consists of multiple independent digital picture recovery modules, which meet one or more digital picture recovery requirements. To recover digital picture on the desktop, please choose "Damaged Partition Recovery" function module to see next interface.

Here, since files on desktop are kept in system partition, please choose the system partition and then click "Open".

Find and choose the desired digital pictures, and then click "Save Files" to save them. You complete the whole digital picture recovery work.

As long as you own MiniTool Power Data Recovery, the powerful digital picture recovery software, you no longer need to worry about the lost important digital pictures lost due to operating system booting failure. If you also want to timely and effectively complete digital picture recovery work, visit to download this digital picture recovery software now.

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